ECG features
1) rS complexes in the inferior leads II, III, aVF
2) Left axis deviation between −45 and −120 degrees
3) QRS complex duration normal or slightly prolonged (80-110ms)
4) qR complexes with R wave slurring in leads I and aVL
Left axis deviation
Picture 1 Left axis deviation
ECG 1 Left anterior fascicular block
Difference between LAFB and LVH
ECG features
1) rS complexes in the inferior leads II, III, aVF
2) Left axis deviation between −45 and −120 degrees
3) QRS complex duration normal or slightly prolonged (80-110ms)
4) qR complexes with R wave slurring in leads I and aVL
Left axis deviation
Picture 1 Left axis deviation
ECG 1 Left anterior fascicular block
Difference between LAFB and LVH
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