Any arrhythmia originating in the upper cardiac chambers with atrial rate greater than 100 beats/min.
Gradual onset = tachycardia gradually accelerates and decelerates (gradual shortening/prolongation of P-P interval.
Sudden onset = abruptly starts and ends, typically with symptoms.
We can divide these by duration on:
Symptoms during SVT
Complications of SVT
ECG features
A four-step approach to diagnose the underlying rhythm:
Picture 1 Differential diagnosis of narrow complex tachycardia
Acute management
Initial treatment of SVT depends on hemodynamic stability of the patient.
Acute therapy of narrow complex tachycardia
Vagal manoeuvres
If this fails -
Adenosine – through cardiac adenosine A1 receptor > transient AV block
If Vagal manoeuvres and adenosine application fails:
If all pharmacological therapies fail - synchronized cardioversion is recommended, even in hemodynamically stable patients.
Chronic management
Acute therapy of wide complex tachycardia
Picture 2 and 3 Treatment of narrow and wide complex tachycardias as per ESC guidelines
Picture no. 1 HARAN BURRI. Oxford Medicine Online [online]. [cit. 30.1.2021]. Accessible at WWW:
Picture no. 2 Acute therapy of narrow QRS tachycardia in the absence of an established diagnosis (2019). [Graph]. Accessible at:
Picture no. 3 Acute therapy of wide complex tachycardia in the absence of an established diagnosis.[Graph]. Accessible at:
Any arrhythmia originating in the upper cardiac chambers with atrial rate greater than 100 beats/min.
Gradual onset = tachycardia gradually accelerates and decelerates (gradual shortening/prolongation of P-P interval.
Sudden onset = abruptly starts and ends, typically with symptoms.
We can divide these by duration on:
Symptoms during SVT
Complications of SVT
ECG features
A four-step approach to diagnose the underlying rhythm:
Picture 1 Differential diagnosis of narrow complex tachycardia
Acute management
Initial treatment of SVT depends on hemodynamic stability of the patient.
Acute therapy of narrow complex tachycardia
Vagal manoeuvres
If this fails -
Adenosine – through cardiac adenosine A1 receptor > transient AV block
If Vagal manoeuvres and adenosine application fails:
If all pharmacological therapies fail - synchronized cardioversion is recommended, even in hemodynamically stable patients.
Chronic management
Acute therapy of wide complex tachycardia
Picture 2 and 3 Treatment of narrow and wide complex tachycardias as per ESC guidelines
Picture no. 1 HARAN BURRI. Oxford Medicine Online [online]. [cit. 30.1.2021]. Accessible at WWW:
Picture no. 2 Acute therapy of narrow QRS tachycardia in the absence of an established diagnosis (2019). [Graph]. Accessible at:
Picture no. 3 Acute therapy of wide complex tachycardia in the absence of an established diagnosis.[Graph]. Accessible at: